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Czech Glass Seed Bead - 2 Cut Hex 10/0 SAPPHIRE SL 37080

  • SKU:  2CUT-10/0-37080

Sold in Packages of 0.5 Kilo (81,000 pieces)

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Made in the Czech Republic. Similar to charlotte and true cut seed beads, Two-Cuts are seed beads in the shape of a cylinder, cut from tubes with a round hole and with a hexagonal crosscut (or twisted hexagon). They are further tumbled and polished by heat to get rid of sharp edges after cutting, but the edges can sometimes remain a little sharp so keep this in mind when deciding stringing materials. This crosscut used to be done by double cutting which is why they are usually called 2cut beads. Some of our inventory is temporarily strung on hanks. Most in this style are sold loose in bags. Quantity of beads per hank will vary depending upon size and also slightly from lot to lot, so actual quantities per kilo may vary.

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