TWO WEEKS ONLY!! 25% Off ALL Glass Beads 02/01 thru 02/16
Includes Preciosa Cut Crystal Beads, Czech Fire Polished Beads, Seed Beads & MORE!

No Hole Balls and Half Drilled Beads

No Hole Balls Half Drilled Beads

Our no hole balls and half drilled beads have many creative applications. No hole balls can be used to fill vials and containers, embed in ceramics or metal clay, and prong set into jewelry designs. Our no hole balls have even been part of a NASA space experiment (true story)! Half drilled beads are perfect for mounting to earring findings and pin heads to create dangles and other jewelry components.

If you don't see something, let us know! Through our extensive network of global sources, we can help you find what you need or produce something to your specifications.

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